Assignment Details
Before you begin creating assignments, it is recommended that you create categories so you can group assignments by type. Then, set up assignments in the gradebook, choose whether or not to include them in the final grade, and tie them to standards. Your district leaders may also set up assignment categories at the district level for you and other teachers to use. See Create a Category.
Before setting up an assignment, consider how you will score the assignment:
- Do you want to record the score as points, a percentage, or letter grade?
- How many points is the assignment worth?
- How do you want to weight the assignment?
- Do you want to include the assignment in final grade calculation?
Count in Final Grade
When setting up assignments, you can use the Count in Final Grade checkbox to indicate whether an assignment should be included in calculating final grades. The value set for a category is used as a default for all assignments within that category, but may be overridden on an assignment-by-assignment basis.
Assignment setup may involve weighting; however, weighting is not required. Weighting gives particular assignments, whether points, percentage, or letter grades, more value than others when determining final grades. The weight value is used to multiply the points earned and the points possible.
Extra Points
You can determine the extra points. PowerTeacher Pro takes the total sum of Points Possible and Extra Points to determine the maximum points available on the assignment. When entering the score on the Scoresheet, you cannot enter a value greater than the maximum score that appears on the Assignments window in the Max Entry field.
Standards Based Grades
You can assign any number of standards to an assignment, and score each standard separately.