How a student can accesses SBAC on a Chromebook
Here is how a student can accesses an SBAC test from a Chromebook.
- The student will open their Chromebook and turn it on but Will Not sign in.
- There will be a selection at the bottom of the screen next to "Shutdown" that says "Apps". (Sorry for the blurry picture)
The student will then click on the "Apps" icon which will then show a selection for "AIRSecureTest". They should click on "AIRSecureTest". (Sorry for the blurry picture)
The Secure Browser will then open to a page called "American Institutes for Research". There will be a drop down menu to select a state. Have the student select "Vermont". (Sorry for the blurry picture)
Next the student will have to select an Assessment program. Have them select "Vermont Assessment System" from the drop down menu. (Sorry for the blurry picture)
The final screen will be where the student will enter in their username and password that was provided to them on a Test Ticket/Sign in Card. This is also where they will enter in the Session ID that was created by a teacher.
(Sorry for the blurry picture)
****Here's a link about how to: Starting A SBAC Test Session****
Then End. Happy Testing